Tour of our facilities

Our guests can enjoy a free guided tour of our facilities on how olive oil is made and can taste our high quality olive oil and many other local products


The olive oil tasting process is reminiscent of enology, where experts evaluate the various characteristics of olive oil in a similar way to wine tasting. During this process, experts (or those interested) use special tasting glasses, just like in enology.

The three main aspects to look for when tasting olive oil are:
  1. Aroma: The aroma of olive oil is evaluated for its variety and intensity. Various aromatic notes may be detected, such as fresh vegetable, fruit, or even herbs.
  2. Bitterness: Bitterness is a main characteristic of olive oil and comes mainly from the polyphenols contained in it. The intensity of the bitter taste can vary depending on the variety of the olive tree, the region of production and the method of collection.
  3. Pungency: Pungency is a slightly hot sensation felt mainly in the throat and the throat. It is caused by the presence of acid oil in the olive oil.

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